Metamorfoza celične regeneracije - vodenje v živo z dr. Tino Prodnik

Regenerirajte svoje telo, ga pripravite na zimo in okrepite imunski sistem – petdnevni e-program. Z dr. Tino Prodnik v živo od 22. do 27. oktobra 2024!
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Kot prvi udeleženci programa Metamorfoza vitalnosti v 21 dneh ste v otvoritveni akciji prejeli dva izobraževanja za ceno enega.

Eden od teh izobraževanj je bil 5-dnevni izziv Metamorfoza celičnega zdravja, za katerega že imate v vaši e-akademiji potrebna gradiva.

Raziskave so pokazale, da so največje koristi dosegli prav tisti, ki so redno ponavljali 5-dnevni izziv.

Zaupali ste nam, da so vaš hiter življenjski tempo, različne obveznosti in pomanjkanje motivacije glavni razlogi, zaradi katerih se izziva ne lotite pogosteje.

Autumn is the ideal time to support the body in gentle, natural detoxification and regeneration, kar je sedaj še posebej pomembno pri boosting the immune system! A well-balanced immune system helps us to prevent and overcome autumn-winter infections.

That's why we have designed this autumn 5-dnevni izziv. Total we will support you on the road to better recovery and well-being!

Pridružite se ekskluzivnemu 5-dnevnemu izzivu z vodenjem v živo (dr. Tina Prodnik) – vse to znotraj nove zaprte Facebook skupine.

Zakaj ga je podporno vsaj 2-krat na leto ponavljati?
Kaj pravijo študije?

Why this programme tako učinkovit?

Years of exploration
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Garantiramo rezultate

The scientific basis: program temelji na znanstvenih in kliničnih raziskavah.

A holistic approach: razvit na podlagi interdisciplinarnih študij in praks dr. Tine Prodnik.

Proven effective: program je v zadnjih 5 letih uspešno zaključilo več kot 2000 udeležencev.

Adapted to modern needs: program je enostaven za vključitev v vsakdanje življenje.

The basis of research from top universities

The scientific basis of the programme is based on the work of world-leading universities, which, in collaboration with hospitals, have also clinically confirmed the positive effects. Tens of millions of euros have been invested in the research itself.

To osnovo smo nadgradili s praktičnimi izkušnjami in učinkovitimi metodami na področju zdravja mitohondrijev, razstrupljanja in celične regeneracije. Tako je nastal naš 5-dnevni program.

The programme will be in a hybrid format in a new online classroom, allowing you to follow it anytime (stress-free), whenever you want in the comfort of your own home. The second interactive part of the programme will take place in a closed FB group.

What can you expect?

  • You will receive a complete package with instructions and access to your email when you register.
  • Daily motivation and interaction: V teh 5-dneh boste vsak dan v skupini prejeli napotek za tisti dan. Napotki vas bodo usmerjali in pomagali, da boste lažje sledili in zaključili program.
  • Interactive meetings: V teh 5-dneh se bomo tudi sedemkrat dobili v živo, po potrebi tudi večkrat, ter pregledali aktualne zadeve ter odgovarjali na vprašanja.
  • Expert guidance and guests: V 5-dneh bomo za dodatno podporo povabili tudi različne strokovnjake, kar bo še povečalo podporno energijo in delovanje na več nivojih.
  • The power of group energy: In a closed group for participants, we will encourage each other, stand side by side and exchange ideas.

20 let praktičnega dela

Dr. Tina Prodnik, DNM, MS, PhD, a renowned expert in integrative and functional medicine with more than 20 years of experience, works between Switzerland, the USA and Slovenia.

Over the years, she has invested a lot of energy in education and has participated in various world congresses on disease prevention and ageing.

All this knowledge and practical work with individuals and groups has helped her to find out what really works in health and longevity.

Kako točno deluje?

“5-dnevni post s hrano” lahko podpre regeneration of the body and immune system, saj učinkovito aktivira avtofagijo – naravni proces telesa, ki odstranjuje stare, neučinkovite celice in spodbuja nastanek novih, zdravih celic.

Autophagy is so important for health and longevity that a researcher in this field was awarded the 2016 Nobel Prize in Medicine.

DAY 1: Activation - Transition into the state of imitative fasting

On the first day of our programme, we will guide you through the process of balancing your diet to optimise your transition to ketone metabolism, while ensuring that your body gets all the nutrients it needs to support this transition. Your body can now begin to transition into a metabolic fasting state.

We will focus on quality foods that stimulate ketone production and support your body during this transition period. By continuing to restrict calories, your body can start to produce ketones. By the end of the day, ketosis may also begin. Ketosis is a metabolic state in which the body uses fat as the main source of energy instead of glucose (sugar).

On day 3, you will continue with our carefully designed nutrition plan that supports both ketogenic metabolism and autophagy processes. At the same time, we will emphasise the importance of sufficient hydration and optimal nutrient intake, which are key to supporting the body's natural cleansing process. This stress signals cells to initiate autophagy as a way of recycling existing components to maintain cell function. Fat burning and ketosis can be further increased today.

On this day, autophagy reaches its peak and you may feel a boost of energy and positive mood. Fat burning continues ...

On the last day, your body is freshly energised and your stem cells have been activated - your body is actively renewing and rejuvenating itself. Cell renewal can continue beyond day 5, with lasting effects such as fat burning, increased mental clarity, more energy, etc.

Opinions of past participants

... krvni izvidi so me še dodatno motivirali, poleg odlične podpore naše drage Tine. 5-dnevni izziv mi je šel odlično, rezultat: -5kg, v pasu -6 cm in počutje odlično ...
Tatjana G.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Že po dobrih dveh tednih se mi je uravnal cirkadiani ritem; spet imam tudi globok in trden spanec. Po končanem programu, sem polna energije, imam manjši obseg pasu, kak kilogram manj in kar je najbolje, niti najmanjše želje po nezdravi hrani. Z veseljem bom ponovila čez pol leta.
Petra B.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
... imam , kar naenkrat 50 % več moči pri plezanju, se kar čudim, kar je to, dobro, da smo se vsi odločili za ta program, res prinaša napredek točno tako kot sem že prej čutila, hvala Tini in celotni ekipi ...
Brigita L.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

V živo Od 22. do 27. oktobra 2024 v posebni fb skupini


Za vas smo pripravili posebno ponudbo – samo 28 € + DDV (namesto celotnega tečaja lahko naročite le vodenje v živo). 

Ponudba je na voljo za prvih 100 prijav do 22. oktobra.

Kaj prejmete ob prijavi

Redna cena 48 € + DDV

Akcijska cena:

LE ZA 36 € (28 € + DDV)

Za prvih 100 prijav do 20. oktobra.

Secure purchase with MasterCard ID check, Visa secure, PayPal secure or transfer to TRR.


If you are not satisfied with the programme within the first 3 days, we will refund the full amount!
Your satisfaction is our priority!

What they have gained Participants in our e-programme?

Dr. Ines O.
Luc R.

Tina D.

Nives P.

Participants' opinions

If you are not satisfied with the programme within the first 3 days, we will refund the full amount!

Your satisfaction is our priority!


Za vas smo pripravili posebno ponudbo – samo 28 € + DDV (namesto celotnega tečaja). Pridružite se samo vodenju v živo v novi Facebook skupini.

Ponudba je na voljo za prvih 100 prijav do 22. oktobra.

Redna cena 48 € + DDV

Akcijska cena:

LE ZA 36 € (28 € + DDV)

Ponudba velja za prvih 100 prijav do 22. oktobra

Secure purchase with MasterCard ID check, Visa secure, PayPal secure or transfer to TRR.

Need more information?

+386 31 588 792 or info@vibrantlongevity.com
PE: Mestni trg 8, 1000 Ljubljana

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