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Welcome to the "Introduction to geroscience: mastering the molecular and biological causes of ageing" training course.

Congratulations on your decision to take an active role in your health, vitality and well-being. 

Your choice to join this training is an important step towards discovering and understanding how we can optimally influence the ageing process. This training is the result of Dr Tina Prodnik's extensive research and practical experience.

Important notice

Advice and recommendations are not a substitute for personal medical advice. The authors, the company and the distributors of this education expressly disclaim any liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise, which may arise as a result of the use of any technique, prescription or recommendation presented in this education. In the event of health challenges, acute conditions or the need for medical advice, it is essential that you contact your personal physician. We also recommend that you seek the opinion of your doctor or specialist before making any major dietary or lifestyle changes.

Your next step

We are grateful for your appreciation of the effort, copyright and work that has gone into the preparation of these materials, which are intended solely for your effective delivery of education. The content is for your personal use only!

By clicking on the "I agree" button, you agree to treat our materials with the respect they deserve. This means that you will not unduly share, sell or use them for commercial purposes without our express consent. After this step, you will have access to guidance and training.

We look forward to exploring, learning and growing together.

Vibrant Longevity team