What will we learn in this bonus module?

Ta modul smo dodali kot bonus, ker verjamemo v integrativen pristop in dodatno podporo za doseganje optimalnega zdravja in dobrega počutja. V tem modulu se bomo posvetili tehnikam sproščanja, meditaciji in dihalnim vajam. Verjamemo, da je celosten pristop, ki vključuje telesno, mentalno in energijsko dimenzijo, ključen za dosego optimalnega zdravja in dobrega počutja.

Relaxation is key to reducing stress and improving overall well-being. Research shows that chronic stress can lead to a number of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, a weakened immune system and an increased risk of mental disorders such as depression and anxiety (Source: American Psychological Association). Regular relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation and visualisation can help reduce cortisol levels in the body, which has a positive impact on health.

The importance of meditation

Meditacija igra pomembno vlogo v procesu celostne regeneracije in razstrupljanja telesa, saj se razstrupljanje ne nanaša samo na fizično telo, temveč vključuje tudi čustveno, duševno in duhovno dimenzijo našega bitja. Fizično gledano, meditacija pomaga uravnavati stresni odziv telesa, kar lahko zmanjša vnetje in podpre telesne naravne razstrupljevalne procese.  Sam kronični stres lahko vpliva na naš metabolizem, krvni sladkor, inzulin ter kopičenje maščob. Hkrati lahko pripomore h kopičenju toksoniv  v telesu, saj je naše telo preveč osredotočeno na proizvodnjo stresnih hormonov, kot je kortizol, da bi se učinkovito razstrupljalo. Z uravnavanjem ravni kortizola meditacija in druge tehnike sproščanja omogočajo telesu, da se vrne v homeostazo.

On an emotional and mental level, meditation serves as a tool to calm the mind, let go of dysfunctional patterns, reduce anxiety and improve overall well-being. On a spiritual level, meditation promotes a deeper connection with the self, which can lead to better self-care and healthier life choices. Studies show that regular meditation can improve focus, emotional stability and overall mental health. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found that meditation can reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression and pain. In addition, meditation promotes neuroplasticity, which means it can help rewire the brain to better cope with stress and emotions.

The importance of breathing exercises

Breathing exercises are a powerful tool for balancing physical and mental energy. Breathing is directly linked to the autonomic nervous system, which means that we can influence our physiological state through conscious breathing. Research shows that breathing exercises such as the 4-7-8 method can help lower blood pressure, improve digestion and reduce stress levels (Source: Harvard Medical School).