We believe that all approaches should be holistic, and this programme is. The programme is the first and basic step towards awareness and implementation of supportive habits for our body, health and vitality. 

Vemo, da je pri regeneraciji telesa potrebna dolgoročna in celostna podpora. Navade in toksini so se leta nabirali in kopičili v telesu, zato moramo pristopiti celostno in postopno, da se telo regenerira na vseh nivojih. Prav zaradi tega smo za vas razvili tudi podporne nutriente, ki vse to olajšajo in vas še dodatno podprejo. 

Na osnovi najnovejših znanj nutricevtike in funkcionalne medicine je dr. Tina Prodnik razvila dva prehranska dopolnila – Cell Renew in BindTox. Ta dva dopolnila sta zasnovana tako, da delujeta v sinergiji in nudita celostno podporo vašemu telesu, še posebej v času razstrupljanja telesa.

Cell Renew

It supports cell renewal, reduces oxidative stress and supports the immune system. It contains 22 high-quality and carefully selected ingredients, which are in sufficient concentration and synergy to achieve optimal results and protection.


Binds and removes toxins such as heavy metals, pesticides and persistent organic substances. The active ingredients help to bind and neutralise toxins and ensure effective elimination of toxins from the intestines.

Our supplements offer solutions to many challenges:

  • Detoxification: supports the body's natural detoxification process, which helps the body's natural recovery. 
  • Cell protection: strengthens the cells' defences against harmful substances, reduces the effects of cell ageing and protects against oxidative damage. 
  • Liver support: helps the liver to eliminate toxins and support overall liver health and function, while protecting liver cells from damage. 
  • Weight loss: supports healthy digestion and contributes to maintaining a healthy body weight, which reduces the risk of chronic diseases.
  • See more in the video presentation below.



Longevity paket dveh izdelkov (Cell Renew + BindTox) vsebuje:

  • Only active ingredients: our products contain only the purest and most effective active ingredients, free of allergens, additives and fillers.
  • Additional independent testing: products undergo additional independent testing and are backed by the latest research to ensure quality and efficacy.
  • Manufactured to the highest standards: products are produced in Slovenia under the strictest GMP and ISO standards, ensuring the highest level of quality and safety. 
  • Paket zadostuje za 30 dni.

Easy to use:

In the morning: 2 x Cell Renew

In the evening: 2 x BindTox

🎁 Darilo za udeležence programa 

We trust that our Two supplement package can further help your transformation, which is why we have The metamorphosis of cell regeneration, we have a special offer:

🔹 20 % popusta + brezplačna poštnina!
🔹 Coupon code: SUPPORT20

Valid while stocks last - only available 5 paketov, and each participant can buy a maximum of 3 support packages.

👉 Kliknite na spodnjo povezavo in vnesite kupon v zadnjem koraku plačila.