“Kako sem očistila svoje telo, se znebila obročkov okoli trebuja in si povrnila energijo - brez ekstremnih diet ali napornih vadb?”

Optimiziran naravni paket za razstrupljanje, ki združuje 25 najbolj dokazanih sestavin za razstrupljanje. Učinkovito cilja na pravi vzrok kronične utrujenosti, napihnjenosti in počasne presnove ter pomlajuje vaše telo hitreje kot tradicionalne detox diete, naporni režimi ali ekstremni protokoli.

“Popolnoma mi je spremenilo življenje! Moja prebava se je izboljšala brez truda, utrujenost je skoraj popolnoma izginila. Čudežni paket! Enostaven za uporabo in brez stranskih učinkov. Res neverjetno! 😀”

Profesionalna formula 3v1 za rezultate, ki jih boste resnično občutili

"Počutim se neverjetno umirjeno in uravnoteženo, moj partner je takoj opazil spremembo."

"Moja samozavest je spet tu. Trebuh je raven, počutim se kot nova jaz!"

"Moje zadovoljstvo in energija se vračata, telo je močnejše. Navdušena sem, kako hitro deluje!"

"To je dodatek, ki ga z veseljem jemljem. Okus je božanski – kot vanilijev napitek!"

"Seznam 9: Popolna Obnova Prebavil"

"Popolna preobrazba prebave – moj trebuh je v boljšem stanju kot kadarkoli prej. To je čudež!"

Pomagali smo že več kot 4000 ženskam do boljšega počutja in lahkotnega telesa

Naše znanstveno podprte sestavine so pomagale posameznikom vseh starosti in telesnih tipov, da so začeli izgubljati toksine, izboljšali svojo prebavo in povrnili svojo vitalnost – brez ekstremnih diet ali napornih vadb.

Jasna P.

"Rezultati so me popolnoma navdušili! Že po dveh tednih sem se počutila lažja, raven energije pa se je občutno povečala. Hrepenenja po sladkem? Skoraj nič več. Toplo priporočam!"

Sara T.

"Poskusila sem VSE, da bi se počutila bolje, ampak to dejansko deluje. Napihnjenost je izginila, počutim se sproščeno in lahkotno. Prava sprememba!"

Ema R.

Pri 49 letih sem skoraj že obupala nad izboljšanjem svojega počutja. Ultimate Paket za Razstrupljanje mi je pomagal najti novo energijo, brez stresa ali odrekanja. Neverjetno!"

Marija L.

"Po samo treh tednih lahko iskreno rečem, da je to popolnoma preobrazilo moje telo. Počutim se vitalno, prebava je vrhunska, samozavest pa na vrhuncu!"

Dr. Tina Prodnik, DNM, MS, PhD

I am an integrative and functional medicine specialist with more than 20 years of experience, working between Switzerland, the USA and Slovenia.

Every day in my work, I face the challenges of people getting lost in a flood of theories, diets and conflicting nutritional advice.

Many are spinning in a cycle of overwhelm and feel helpless. It seems as if choosing the right diet has become a source of great frustration and added stress, without producing the desired results in the long term.

It is not their fault - it is the result of information overload, lack of clear, simple solutions and misleading sales and marketing strategies.

I have discovered the optimal techniques and guidelines that really deliver long-term results for most people.

I am here for you, to stand by your side and help you with my experience. I believe that everyone deserves a healthy and vibrant life.

Dr Tina Prodnik

Kaj se dogaja z vašim telesom, ko se toksini kopičijo?

Ali tudi vi imate enega ali več od naslednjih simptomov?

Živite zdravo, pazite kaj jeste, se gibate, a izzivi še vedno vztrajajo?

Se trudite z zdravo prehrano in rednim gibanjem, a vas občutek težkega telesa,
napihnjenost in pomanjkanje energije še vedno ovirajo?

Morda mislite, da so vzrok genetika, hormoni ali stres –
ne glede na to, katere protokole poskusite, ni videti konkretne izboljšave.

Niste vi krivi!

Vse to je lahko posledica preobremenjenosti jeter, kar vpliva na celotno delovanje organizma. Ko so jetra preobremenjena s toksini, ne morejo učinkovito opravljati svojih nalog, kar vodi do neravnovesja v telesu.

We live in a world where we are exposed to toxins every day in: 

the air we breathe
the water we drink
the food we eat
the products we use.

In addition to environmental toxins, the modern pace of life makes our bodies
also burdened with: 

chronic sleep deprivation
unbalanced diet
alcohol, smoking ... 

This can lead to a build-up of toxins in our bodies that gradually deplete
our bodies, resulting in a range of symptoms.

Kako staranje vpliva na kopičenje toksinov v telesu

Ko se staramo, naša jetra postajajo manj učinkovita pri odstranjevanju toksinov iz telesa. Po 35. letu se naravna sposobnost razstrupljanja zmanjša tudi do 20 % na desetletje. To vodi v:

  • Povečano kopičenje toksinov v jetrih, kar povzroča upočasnjen metabolizem.

  • Napihnjenost in zadrževanje tekočine, ki daje občutek težkega telesa.

  • Kronično utrujenost, kljub zadostni količini spanja.

Ne glede na to, koliko kalorij zmanjšate ali koliko časa preživite v telovadnici, rezultati ostajajo minimalni, dokler ne naslovite pravega vzroka težav – preobremenjena jetra.

Znanstveniki ugotavljajo, da so zdrava jetra in razstrupljeno telo – so ključ do celostnega zdravja in vitalnosti!

Our livers work overtime to remove all the toxins ...

The liver performs more than 500 vital functions. However, when they are overloaded, they are unable to carry out their tasks efficiently, such as transforming and removing toxins from chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals, allergens, and toxins from bacteria, viruses and fungi.

The liver is responsible for removing toxins, regulating hormones and metabolizing fats. 

An overworked liver can cause: Bloating and weight in the abdomen. Weight gain, especially around the abdomen. Chronic fatigue and concentration problems.

How can we support and protect them safely and effectively ...

The liver works so hard every day that a supportive lifestyle, organic healthy food and the intake of additional nutrients is of utmost importance.

When we talk about supporting detoxification, we need to consider that we are doing it in the right way and supporting all three phases of detoxification of the body (functionalisation, conjugation, elimination).

Improper support can put additional strain on the liver itself and even harm the whole organism. We have created a holistic solution that supports all stages of detoxification and supports the liver.

Why supporting detoxification (in addition to a healthy lifestyle) is
of life) still relevant?

Hormonal balance for successful weight loss

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Hormonal balance for successful weight loss

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Detoxifying the body

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Detoxification support during weight loss

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Detoxification support during weight loss

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Balancing energy and neurotransmitter levels

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

↓     Končno dobre novice za vse ženske  ↓

Končno dobre novice za vse ženske

Zdaj je mogoče naravno podpreti delovanje jeter in spodbuditi telo, da se razstrupi na varen in učinkovit način - skozi vse 3 faze.

Paket za razstrupljanje Vibrant Longevity 3v1

Zdaj je mogoče naravno podpreti delovanje jeter in spodbuditi telo, da se razstrupi na varen in učinkovit način z paketom za Razstrupljanje 3v1.

Po več kot 8 letih raziskav na področju naravnih metod razstrupljanja smo združili najnovejša znanstvena dognanja in ustvarili prvo 100 % naravno formulo, ki združuje klinično preverjene sestavine v enem paketu.

Naš cilj? Odpraviti pravi vzrok utrujenosti, napihnjenosti in počasne presnove ter omogočiti vašemu telesu, da zasije v svoji najboljši obliki – hitro, varno in učinkovito.

6 Največjih znanstvenih prebojev za razstrupljanje v zadnjih 30 letih …

Zbranih le v eni formuli

Teh 6 najnovejših znanstvenih odkritij predstavlja največji preboj na področju razstrupljanja v zadnjih desetletjih…

Skupaj lahko učinkovito odstranijo trdovratne toksine in obnovijo naravno ravnovesje telesa v rekordnem času…

In to brez strogih diet ali napornih vadbenih režimov. Uporabite te znanstvene preboje:


 Avstralski znanstveniki odkrivajo “rastlino za obnovo celic”, ki spodbuja izločanje toksinov

V raziskavi na ugledni Univerzi v Queenslandu so raziskovalci odkrili, da izvleček pegastega badlja vsebuje močno spojino, silimarin, ki ščiti jetrne celice in spodbuja njihovo regeneracijo. Udeleženci študije so občutno izboljšali svojo prebavo in znižali nivoje toksinov v krvi – brez dodatne diete ali vadbe.


Italijanski preboj: „detox kompleks“, ki spodbuja naravno čiščenje telesa

Italijanski raziskovalci so odkrili edinstveno sestavino v artičoki, ki poveča raven glutationa v jetrih za kar 56 %. To omogoča učinkovitejše izločanje toksinov, kar vodi do več energije in boljšega počutja že v nekaj tednih.



Antioksidant za razstrupljanje” deluje kot naravni ščit za celice

Študije so pokazale, da alfa-lipoična kislina (ALA) izboljša delovanje mitohondrijev in poveča odpornost telesa na oksidativni stres. To pomeni več energije, manj vnetij in hitrejše okrevanje telesa.


Ekstrakt zelenega čaja – “naravni aktivator razstrupljanja”

Evropski znanstveniki so potrdili, da izvleček zelenega čaja spodbuja presnovo toksinov in izboljša termogenezo, kar omogoča telesu, da učinkovito porablja odvečne snovi.


Regratov koren – „naravni diuretik za globinsko čiščenje“

Nova raziskava razkriva, da regratov koren spodbuja delovanje jeter in ledvic ter pomaga telesu, da hitreje izloča odpadne snovi, kar zmanjšuje napihnjenost in izboljša prebavo.


NAC (N-acetil cistein) – “ključ do sinteze glutationa”

tudije kažejo, da NAC povečuje raven glutationa v telesu, kar bistveno izboljša sposobnost jeter za obvladovanje toksinov in spodbuja celostno zdravje.

Get rid of bloating and fatigue with our detox package!

Deluje za ženske vseh starosti in telesni tipov:

Guaranteed results, otherwise yours is FREE!

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Naši zaupanja vredni ponudniki plačilnih storitev:

Uporabljamo varno nakupovalno košarico s 256-bitnim šifriranjem, kjer je 100 % vaših podatkov šifriranih, varnih in zaščitenih. To je enak varnostni standard za zaščito podatkov, kot ga uporabljajo večina bank, vladnih in vojaških organizacij.

100 % Warranty
on all our products

Try it risk-free!

If you are not satisfied with the results, we will refund the full amount of your purchase within 30 days.

What they observed when using

Jana B.

I am test-testing, thank you for an innovative product.


Luka R.

Before I had to take two separate products, now I have all in one.


Vivijana V.

Great, formulation and combination, and tasteless too.

Kaj vse vsebuje sinergističen paket razstrupljanja:

Product 1:
Cell Renew

Rastrupljevalec: Vsebuje sestavine za učinkovito podpora vseh treh faz razstrupljanja z optimalno kombinacijo 14 vitaminov in mineralov, 4 aminokislinami ter 4 naravnimi izvlečki za regeneracijo, zaščito in čiščenje jeter ter antioksidativno zaščito celic v telesu.

The combination of 22 carefully selected ingredients in optimal proportions helps you with all three phases of metabolic liver detoxification: functionalisation (phase I), conjugation (phase II) and elimination (phase III), helping your body to rebalance.

Comprehensive and coordinated support for the liver is very important, because if we support only one phase, we can further burden the body with toxic metabolites and poison it even more. Each phase requires specific nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids and other nutrients.

In addition to supporting the liver, the selected nutrients in the formulation also support a healthy nervous system, metabolism, reduce inflammation, protect against cellular oxidation, support the immune system and reduce fatigue and exhaustion.

Product 2:

Binder-binder: contains a combination of ingredients such as organic activated coconut shell charcoal, horsetail silica and patented modified citrus pectin.

The optimal combination of binders (binders), which absorb various toxins and heavy metals in the gut and safely remove them from the body, works on several levels:

Binds a variety of toxins: effectively binds heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides and other poisons.
Stimulating natural detoxification: supports the body's detoxification organs.
Support healthy digestion: reduces flatulence, abdominal pain and other digestive discomforts.

A total of 25 selected premium ingredients

The product does not contain additives, yeast, soya, cereals, corn, eggs, fish, shellfish, nuts, dairy products or 

animal-derived ingredients, gluten- and lactose-free.

100 % Natural product!


Broccoli extract, artichoke extract, green tea extract
and spotted knapweed.


Combination of vitamins and minerals + alpha lipoic acid.


Selected amino acids: L-methionine,
L-taurine, cysteine and N-acetylcysteine.

Vitamin D3


  • Vegetarian D3
  • Obtained from extremely pure, specialised production without the usual hidden additives.
  • Highest bioavailability of a fat-soluble vitamin, thanks to natural MCT oil from coconut.


  • Contributes to the normal absorption/utilisation of calcium and phosphorus.
  • Contributes to normal blood calcium levels.
  • It helps maintain healthy bones.
  • Contributes to muscle function.
  • It helps to maintain healthy teeth.
  • It contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system.
  • It plays a role in cell division.

Did you know?

Research shows that 40 in % Europeans have too low vitamin D levels even in the summer months.

Pure, bioactive D-alpha-tocopherol

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can cause damage to cells, but vitamin E helps to protect them from free radicals and supports cell health.

  • Derived from sunflower seeds, without added synthetic isomers.
  • It contains an exclusive bioactive form (Only natural RRR-alpha-tocopherol) that is recognised and used efficiently by the body.
  • Natural D-alpha-tocopherol provides the highest biological activity and contributes to optimal cell protection.


  • It helps protect cells against oxidative stress.
  • It acts as an antioxidant, supporting cell health.

Did you know?

Vitamin E, as one of the key fat-soluble antioxidants, protects cell membranes from oxidative stress.

Vitamin K2 (MK-7) Vital® - High quality and efficacy

Vitamin K2 in the form of K2VITAL® is the perfect choice to support your health, combining superior purity and scientifically proven benefits.

Our original K2VITAL® vitamin K2 is one of the few active ingredients on the market that provides 99.7 % of highly effective all-trans MK-7. This exceptional level of purity is confirmed by a special laboratory test developed in Norway.


  • It contributes to normal blood clotting. 
  • Helps maintain healthy and strong bones.
  • In combination with vitamin D3, it channels calcium into the bones, which helps maintain bone density.
  • It supports cardiovascular health by reducing the risk of calcium build-up in soft tissues such as blood vessels.

Did you know?

Vitamin K2 directs calcium to where the body needs it most - in the bones and teeth? Without it, vitamin D3 is not as effective.

Vitamin A - 900 mcg to support the immune system

Our vitamin A is in the form of retinyl acetate, which is easily metabolised in the body into bioactive vitamin A (retinol).
Derived from plant sources, 100 % is vegan and contains no animal raw materials, which distinguishes it from retinyl palmitate.


  • It helps to maintain normal mucous membranes.
  • Contributes to maintaining healthy skin.
  • It contributes to the preservation of vision.
  • It contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system.
  • It plays a role in cell specialisation.
  • It contributes to normal iron metabolism.
  • It supports tissue regeneration and contributes to the functioning of mucous membranes, which are important for protecting the body.
  • It allows the immune system to function optimally and maintains cell vitality.

Did you know?

Vitamin A was the first vitamin to be discovered and is therefore named A. Today we know that it is essential for our eyesight, immune system and healthy skin.

Fat-soluble vitamins can only be absorbed effectively in combination with fats. For our formulation, we have chosen a premium MCT oil derived from coconut oil as the carrier oil. 

MCT oil provides better stability of fat-soluble vitamins compared to other carrier oils such as olive oil or tablet fillers such as calcium carbonate. Due to its stability, it protects the vitamins and preserves their bioactive activity. In addition, the medium-chain fatty acids in MCT oil are a valuable nutrient in their own right.


  • Improves absorption of fat-soluble vitamins: MCT oil provides better bioavailability
    Vitamins A, D, E and K.
  • Ensures formulation stability: protects vitamins from degradation and preserves their effectiveness.
  • Rapid metabolic action: directly absorbed by the liver without the need for lymphatic transport,
    which ensures a rapid effect.
  • Natural health support: medium-chain fatty acids contribute to the body's energy support.
  • Convenient and easy to use: MCT oil drops are suitable for everyone, including those who
    have difficulty swallowing tablets or capsules.

Did you know?

MCT oil is rapidly metabolised and efficiently converted into energy by the body, providing support without fat storage.

Cell Renew consists of a carefully selected combination of premium nutrients:

Broccoli extract, sulforaphane, an isothiocyanate found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables, is one of the most powerful natural inducers of phase II detoxification enzymes, as it neutralises toxins. Phytochemicals such as sulforaphane are antioxidants that scavenge free radicals. These are small particles that weaken and damage healthy cells. They are formed in the body by pollution, UV rays, additives and preservatives in food and by natural processes such as digestion. Some research has shown that sulforaphane blocks mutations in DNA that lead to cancer. Sulforaphane reduces the ability of cancer cells to multiply. This means it can slow the growth of a tumour or reduce its ability to spread to other parts of the body. Research has shown that it also protects our hereditary material and mitochondria, which has implications for prolonged cell life and health, and prevents neuro-degeneration.

The spotted knapweed (Silybum marianum), a well-studied herb in the treatment of liver disease, contains a mixture of several related polyphenolic compounds called silymarin. Silymarin promotes detoxification by several complementary mechanisms. The antioxidant capacity of silymarin may reduce oxidative stress in the liver associated with toxin metabolism, especially lipid peroxidation, which affects the maintenance of cellular glutathione levels. Like NAC (N-acetylcysteine), silymarin may protect against paracetamol toxicity (probably by a similar mechanism of maintaining glutathione levels).

Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), also known as thioctic acid, was discovered in 1951 as a molecule that helps in the transfer of acyl groups and as a coenzyme in the Krebs cycle. In the 1980s, scientists found that alpha-lipoic acid is also a powerful antioxidant. ALA differs from other fatty acids in that it is a water- and fat-soluble antioxidant and that it is an antioxidant in both its oxidised and reduced forms. This is different from, for example, vitamin C, which is a water-soluble antioxidant, and vitamin E, which is a fat-soluble antioxidant. ALA also increases intracellular glutathione and CoQ10 levels. Its other mechanisms of action include promoting normal glycosylation of proteins and inhibiting the enzyme aldose reductase, which inhibits the conversion of glucose to sorbitol.

N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) may provide an alternative source of sulphur for glutathione production. It is itself a free radical scavenger, effective in reducing oxidative stress, particularly from heavy metal toxicity. As it can directly replenish glutathione stores, NAC is more effective than methionine in preventing liver damage.

Artichoke extract - Artichoke has been used for centuries in folk medicine to protect the liver and stimulate bile flow and is the best-studied herbal choleretic. Artichoke contains several antioxidants that may protect against oxidative liver damage and caffeoylquinic acid, which have been shown to stimulate bile flow in animal models. 

Green tea tannins can increase CYP activity in vivo and also increase phase II activity (GST and UGT). Green tea provides a triple effect by stimulating fat burning, acting as an antioxidant, and supporting the cardiovascular system by improving blood circulation and nutrient transport, and removing waste substances. Catechins such as EGCG from green tea neutralise reactive oxygen and nitrogen compounds, act against inflammation, cancer, viruses and bacteria, and anti-ageing.

B-vitamins, increase energy production and promote a healthy metabolism, promoting brain, cell and organ health. They influence normal nervous system function, healthy cell division, support the immune system, reduce fatigue and exhaustion, regulate hormonal activity and protect against oxidative stress.

Selected amino acids - L-methionine is an essential amino acid. This means that it cannot be produced by the body on its own and must be obtained from food or supplements. L-methionine supports the production of glutathione, a scavenger of cellular radicals, thus stimulating the natural detoxification process. In the body, L-methionine can also be converted to SAM (S-adenosylmethionine), a compound that supports healthy joints. In addition, the human body needs sulphur-containing amino acids consumed through food, such as L-methionine, for protein synthesis and as biologically active sulphur. Taurine is a conditionally essential amino acid which is not used for protein synthesis but is mostly free in most tissues, especially in the nervous system. In tissues, it acts by stabilising cell membranes and helping to transport potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium into and out of cells. Taurine helps to generate and regulate nerve impulses and helps maintain normal fluid balance. It is also used by the body in the visual pathways and in the brain and nervous system, where it acts as a neurotransmitter together with glycine and GABA. Cysteine is a non-essential sulphur amino acid that plays an important role in the metabolism of methionine, taurine and glutathione. It is also an important component of hair, nails and keratin in the skin. Cysteine stabilises the structure of proteins and helps in the formation of collagen, which is essential for the health of skin, hair and nails.

Other vitamins and minerals, deficiencies of vitamins A, B2, B3, B6, B12, C and E are associated with reduced Phase I activity and may slow down the metabolism of some drugs. B vitamins are particularly important as cofactors in Phase II reactions. Deficiencies of copper, zinc, molybdenum, magnesium and selenium have been shown to reduce Phase I enzyme activity. Each of the ingredients has been carefully selected and added to the formulation in order to work in synergy to provide the best possible effect.

Anand P, Kunnumakkara AB, Sundaram C, et al. Cancer is a preventable disease that requires major lifestyle changes. Pharm Res. 2008 Sep;25(9):2097-116.

Wu S, Powers S, Zhu W, et al. Substantial contribution of extrinsic risk factors to cancer development. Nature. 2016 Jan 7;529(7584):43-7.

Dinkova-Kostova AT, Fahey JW, Kostov RV, et al. KEAP1 and Done? Targeting the NRF2 Pathway with Sulforaphane. Trends Food Sci Technol. 2017 Nov;69(Pt B):257-69.

Verhoeven DT, Goldbohm RA, van Poppel G, et al. Epidemiological studies on brassica vegetables and cancer risk. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 1996 Sep;5(9):733-48.

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Hunakova L, Sedlakova O, Cholujova D, et al. Modulation of markers associated with aggressive phenotype in MDA-MB-231 breast carcinoma cells by sulforaphane. Neoplasma. 2009;56(6):548-56.

Abenavoli L, Capasso R, Milic N, Capasso F. Milk thistle in liver diseases: past, present, future. Phytother Res 2010; 24 (10): 1423-32.

Bosisio E, Benelli C, Pirola O, et al. Effect of the flavanolignans of Silybum marianum L. on lipid peroxidation in rat liver microsomes and freshly isolated hepatocytes. Pharmacol Res 1992;25:147-154.

Campos R, Garido A, Guerra R, et al. Silybin dihemisuccinate protects against glutathione depletion and lipid peroxidation induced by acetaminophen on rat liver. Planta Med 1989;55:417-419.

Hau DK, Wong RS, Cheng GY et al. Novel use of silymarin as delayed therapy for acetaminophen-induced acute hepatic injury. Forsch Complementmed 2010; 17 (4): 209-13.

Speroni E, Cervellati R, Govoni P, Guizzardi S, Renzulli C, Guerra MC. Efficacy of different Cynara scolymus preparations on liver complaints. J Ethnopharmacol 2003; 86 (2-3): 203-11.

Benedek B, Geisz N, Jäger W, Thalhammer T, Kopp B. Choleretic effects of yarrow (Achillea millefolium s.l.) in the isolated perfused rat liver. Phytomedicine 2006; 13 (9-10): 702-6.

Benedek B and Kopp B. Achillea millefolium L. s.l. revisited: recent findings confirm the traditional use. Wien Med Wochenschr 2007; 157 (13-14): 312-4.

Krizman M, Baricevic D, Prosek M Determination of phenolic compounds in fennel by HPLC and HPLC-MS using a monolithic reversed-phase column. J Pharm Biomed Anal 2007; 43(2): 481-5.

Schütz K, Carle R, Schieber A Taraxacum-a review on its phytochemical and pharmacological profile. J Ethnopharmacol 2006; 107 (3): 313-23.

Yedjou CG, Tchounwou CK, Haile S, Edwards F, Tchounwou PBl. N-acetyl-cysteine protects against DNA damage associated with lead toxicity in HepG2 cells. Ethn Dis 2010;20 (1 Suppl 1) : S1-101-3.

Alsalim W and Fadel M. Towards evidence based emergency medicine: best BETs from the Manchester Royal Infirmary. Oral methionine compared with intravenous n-acetyl cysteine for paracetamol overdose. Emerg Med J 2003;20(4):366-7.

The science behind -
results at the forefront

Formulation -
Doctor of Science

Dr Tina Prodnik leads the development and brings together experts in every step, from the choice of ingredients to the final product. Together, we create unique formulations based on scientific findings.

Brandied ingredients -
through clinical studies

The products include carefully selected, even branded, active ingredients backed by research, as this is key to ensuring efficacy, safety and the best results for your health.

Products additionally tested -
independent laboratories

Products are further tested (third party testing) in independent laboratories in the EU for purity, heavy metals and gluten for the highest quality and safety.

Our commitment:
the highest standards for you

No unnecessary extras -
purity of formulation

Our products are made using high-quality active ingredients and formulated without unnecessary fillers, flavours, artificial colours or preservatives.

100 % Vegetarian products

Our products are carefully designed without animal ingredients, so they are perfectly suitable for vegetarians and respect the highest ethical standards.

Gluten-free, allergen-free,
soya and GMOs

Our products contain no soya, gluten, lactose or other allergens and are completely free of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Highest quality standards
and security

Our products are manufactured and packaged in the European Union in accordance with strict HACCP, GMP and ISO 22000:2018 standards, ensuring the highest level of quality and safety.

Environmentally friendly
protective packaging

Our packaging further protects the ingredients from light and preserves their quality. We use amber glass and compostable bags for environmentally friendly packaging.

Professionally designed,

We are committed to delivering top quality at affordable prices, making our professional solutions accessible to as many people as possible.

Easy to use package


2 x Cell Renew


2 x Bindtox 

Satisfied users

BREZPLAČNA dostava za naročila nad 99 €

Izberite spodnji paket



za paket


ali 4 obroki po 14,99 € s




za paket

Skupaj: €239,99 €209,99

ali 4 obroki po 14,99 € s





za paket

Skupaj: €239,99 €209,99

ali 4 obroki po 14,99 € s



Naši zaupanja vredni ponudniki plačilnih storitev:

Uporabljamo varno nakupovalno košarico s 256-bitnim šifriranjem, kjer je 100 % vaših podatkov šifriranih, varnih in zaščitenih. To je enak varnostni standard za zaščito podatkov, kot ga uporabljajo večina bank, vladnih in vojaških organizacij.

Vaš nakup je zaščiten z našo

60-dnevno 100 % garancijo na vračilo denarja

Pri paketu za Razstrupljanje želimo, da ste popolnoma zadovoljni z rezultati. Če ne boste navdušeni nad učinkom, vam povrnemo 100 % vašega vložka za prvi paket. Tako zelo smo prepričani, da boste opazili razliko, da prevzemamo ves riziko namesto vas.

Brezplačna dostava za naročila nad 99 €

Vemo, da nihče ne mara plačevati poštnine. Zato ob nakupu dveh ali več paketov stroške dostave pokrijemo mi. Več kot naročite, več prihranite!

60-Dnevna garancija na vračilo denarja

Večina uporabnikov opazi več energije, manj napihnjenosti in izboljšano počutje že v 9 dneh. Nekateri še hitreje, nekateri malo počasneje – vsak organizem je edinstven. Zato vam svetujemo, da paket preizkusite brez skrbi. Če ne opazite rezultatov, imate 60 dni časa, da zahtevate vračilo denarja za prvi paket.

Takojšnja vračila

Želimo, da občutite neverjetne učinke in vidne rezultate z uporabo našega paketa. Če ne boste zadovoljni, vam brez zapletov in vprašanj povrnemo denar za prvi paket.

Reviews from satisfied users

Reply to
Frequently asked questions

Initial results may vary depending on the individual. Most users report increased energy, better stamina and a general improvement in well-being after just a few weeks of regular use.For optimal effects, we recommend using the products for at least 60 days.

D.E.K.A. is suitable for vegetarians. Each ingredient is carefully selected and sourced from natural sources.

D.E.K.A. has a mild and neutral taste because the vitamins are dissolved in high-quality MCT oil from coconut. It can therefore be easily swallowed under the tongue or mixed into a variety of beverages.

D.E.K.A. is produced in Slovenia, EU, in accordance with the highest European quality and safety standards, including HACCP, GMP and ISO 22000:2018 certificates. Stored in glass packaging and safely stored in a warehouse with eco and HACCP standards, which is under 24 hour video surveillance. Products are shipped in mineral oil-free boxes.

No, D.E.K.A. is designed without common allergens. It contains no yeast, soya, cereals, corn, eggs, fish, shellfish, nuts, dairy products or ingredients of animal origin. It is gluten and lactose free, so it is also suitable for people with different food sensitivities.

No, D.E.K.A. is designed without common allergens. It contains no yeast, soya, cereals, corn, eggs, fish, shellfish, nuts, dairy products or ingredients of animal origin. It is gluten and lactose free, so it is also suitable for people with different food sensitivities.

Try it risk-free

If you are not satisfied with the results, we will refund the full amount of your purchase within 30 days.

30 days

Standard package
75 € CHECK
  • Professional detox package from €2.3 per day.
  • 1 x Bindtox
  • 1 x Cell Renew
  • 1 x protocol guide
  • Free shipping

60 days

Popular package
138 € SAVE 12 €
  • Professional detox package from € 1.95 per day.
  • 2 x Bindtox
  • 2 x Cell Renew
  • 1 x protocol guide
  • Free shipping

90 days

Optimal support
198 € SAVE 27 €
  • Professional detox package from € 1.95 per day.
  • 3 x Bindtox
  • 3 x Cell Renew
  • 1 x protocol guide
  • Free shipping