Love and happiness, inner contentment and harmony.
And what is the basis for living all this, for making it happen?
Without health and vital energy we cannot deliver on our life potentials. The term is increasingly gaining ground in the world BIOHACKINGwhich simply means full efficiency his biological potential.
That is why most people in this world, among all their wishes, first wish for HEALTH!
We believe that health is our responsibility, and the future calls us to a holistic approach to health.
Longevitythat we want is vital, smiling, healthy and full of energy. We want to break the belief that we age and that old age is necessarily linked to illness and ill health. That's why we have TA event.
We know that good energies multiplied, and that's why we bring together outstanding guests who will be inspired by each other's at all levels - professional, artistic and fun.
Join us for a full-day event exploring Vital Longevity and Health together.
We invite you to join us!
What is health, how does our body work, what is the best way to support it, what is biohacking, we will explore all this with experts:
Molecular biologist, natural and integrative medicine doctor, DNM, MS, PhD, researcher working between Switzerland, USA and Slovenia. She teaches and motivates a wide audience in the search for the causes of imbalances and at the same time raises awareness of the importance of all levels of the human being to achieve vital longevity.
Biohacker, researcher and founder of the world's leading Lifestyle Centre for busy women over 40 who truly want to enjoy life every day by improving their health, slowing ageing and boosting happiness.
Pharmacist, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Master of Qigong, SSMH Certified Homeopath, Natural Health Practitioner, Micronutritionist, Multidisciplinary Approach to Regenerative Medicine.
Dr. dent. med., M.Sc, (ISMI Germany, IAOCI USA). One of the leading experts in the field of biological dentistry and prevention in Europe. He works holistically and is aware that the processes that take place in the mouth are reflected in the whole body.
Renowned Croatian sociologist and writer on popular psychology and spirituality, columnist and author of numerous self-help books. He is a proponent of a holistic approach that heals both body and mind. He has developed this approach based on his long experience of helping cancer patients, for whom it has been shown that the chances of recovery increase when both treatments are combined.
Acclaimed author of over forty books, founder of the Spiritual Academy, where he teaches Integral Meditation, leads a three-year Jyotisha study and many other seminars and workshops.
Internationally renowned author, certified trainer and workshop leader focusing on breathing, stress relief and resilience building. His experience and expertise has earned him three certifications in the field of breathing, Oxygen Advantage, Breatheology and Buteyko Clinics.
A master of Tao metaphysics, through years of education and training with the greatest masters he has developed a deep understanding of the flow of Qi in man, nature and the universe. He is the founder of the School of Life and Eternal Youth, the author of several books, manuals and training courses, an expert in Chinese astrology and Feng Shui.
Slovenian theatre and film actress and TV presenter.
Poetry and the power of words ...
Sound bath ...
Music opens hearts ...
+ Fun | Socialising | Heart Energy | Surprises
We'll learn, have fun, raise energy and take it through the whole winter and beyond!
We will celebrate life by taking good care of it with a basket of tools and the latest developments.
09:00 - 10:30 - Arrival of participants, registration, familiarisation and musical animation
10:40 - Greetings
11:00 - Dr. Tina Prodnik: Molecular mechanisms of ageing
11:40 - Dr Grega Hočevar: Oral Prevention and Longevity
12:05 - Dr Simon Rebohs: Longevity at all levels
13:20 - Dušan Donko: Workouts for fast energy recharging (foyer of the hall)
13:40 - Break
14:55 - Introduction
15:00 - Dr Ines O'Donovan: Practical biohacking for today and tomorrow
16:00 - Janez Hudovernik: Breathing exercises to raise energy
16:20 - Dr. Tina Prodnik: Nutrient support for longevity
16:50 - Break
17:25 - Introduction
17:30 - Bruno Šimlesa: The impact of thoughts and emotions on health
18:15 - Musical bath and poetry
18:15 - Adrian P. Kezele: Exercises for the soul
19:00 - Zvezdana with a bouquet of life energy and laughter, a celebration of life
19:20 - Music and dance party (foyer)
20:00 - DJ + Celebration (foyer)
The event will take place in Linhart Hall and the foyer (don't be afraid, we won't just sit back).
Some lectures will be held in Croatian and English translations will be provided.
We reserve the right to change the programme.
✔ Top speakers: Experts in the field of health, prevention and biohacking will share their knowledge with you, and you will learn about the latest trends in prevention and longevity. We will establish and implement a holistic view of health that does not exclude any level of human life.
✔ Practical exercises: You will take part in interactive workouts where you will get practical tools and exercises to improve your fitness for life.
✔ Networking and sharing experiences: Connect with like-minded individuals who value their health and vitality.
✔ Fun and celebration of life: There will be plenty of humour, music and celebration of life.
✔ For all of you who are aware that health is our responsibility.
✔ Anyone interested in a complete exploiting its biological potential-biohacking, on all levels of the human being, physical, mental and energetic.
✔ For those of you who are interested in Latest trends in the field of anti-aging and biohacking.
✔ For those of you who believe that the future calls for a holistic approach to health.
✔ For all of you who are curious and not be satisfied with simple and superficial views of life.
✔ For all of you who still believe in collective breakthrough, in movement, in living contact, in connecting through laughter, knowledge, poetry, music, in the magical moments that happen when life itself supports us.
Saturday, 25 November 2023, starting at 10:40 and the official closing at 19:00.
The event will continue with singing and dancing, as you wish.
The event will take place in Ljubljana, v Cankarjev dom.
The lectures will take place in the Linhart Hall.
A space in the foyer of the hall will be reserved for practical exercises, socialising and a concert.
ParkingA: There are plenty of parking lots in the surroundings of Cankarjev dom, which will allow you to easily access the event. (On Saturdays after 2 pm, parking in public parking lots in Ljubljana is free).
✔ 300 min of lectures (all-day event) by experts in the field of holistic health, mind, spirit and vitality.
✔ Latest trends, advice and research anti-aging, prevention and biohacking to open the door to a healthier and more vital life.
✔ Practical workshopswhere you will learn about breathing and energy raising techniques. We will leave the theory behind and try to internalise all this knowledge.
✔ Motivation from the heart for an additional breakthrough.
✔ Socialising, networking and exchange views with like-minded people working for better health and better lives.
✔ Concert and entertainmentwhere we will celebrate life, joy, curiosity, the decision to take our lives into our own hands!
✔ 300 min of useful lectures world-renowned experts in holistic health and vitality.
✔ Latest trends, tips and research in anti-aging, prevention and biohacking to open the door to a healthier and better life.
✔ 4 practical workshopswhere you will learn about breathing techniques, energy upliftment, sound meditation and prevention to help you achieve harmony and vitality.
✔ Motivation from the heart for a breakthrough.
✔ Socialising, networking and exchange views with like-minded people working for better health and better lives.
✔ Closing concert and partywhere we will celebrate and many more surprises ...
✔ 300 min of useful lectures world-renowned experts in holistic health and vitality.
✔ Latest trends, tips and research in anti-aging, prevention and biohacking to open the door to a healthier and better life.
✔ 4 practical workshopswhere you will learn about breathing techniques, energy upliftment, sound meditation and prevention to help you achieve harmony and vitality.
✔ Motivation from the heart for a breakthrough.
✔ Socialising, networking and exchange views with like-minded people working for better health and better lives.
✔ Closing concert and partywhere we will celebrate and many more surprises ...
IMPORTANT: Places are limited.
Hurry, tickets are available until the seats are filled.
Tickets are transferable to another person. Don't miss this opportunity!
You can call us on +386 31 588 792 or write to us
to the e-mail address
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vitality and optimal health.
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