The Five Tibetan Rites are an ancient yoga practice that is more than 2500 years old. It consists of a sequence of five different exercises, each performed 21 times each day. This practice has many physical, emotional and energetic benefits. These effects are said to restore vitality and strength to the human being. All these benefits have given the Five Tibetan Rites their name, "the fountain of youth".

Exercise is based on the energy of the body. The body has seven energy fields or vortices, called chakras in Hindi. The chakras control parts of the endocrine system of glands and organs that regulate many bodily functions, including the ageing process.

The Five Tibetan Chakras promote a perfect flow of energy through the chakras and activate the nerves, organs and glands. These exercises also strengthen the major muscle groups, which helps to build a strong and firm physique. They are short and effective and will take you about 10 minutes a day.


  • Relieve joint pain and stiffness
  • Improving strength and coordination
  • Better blood circulation
  • Reduction of anxiety
  • Better sleep
  • Improved energy
  • Youthful appearance


In the video below you can watch a demonstration of the 5 Tibetan exercises and additional stretching exercises. Follow the video instructions and learn the correct technique for each exercise.


Practice the Five Tibetan Rites 1 to 2 times a day. The best time to practice is at sunrise and sunset. Time: 10-15 minutes. 

Exercise 1: Rotation

  • Starting position: stand upright with arms outstretched at shoulder height.

  • Movement: turn clockwise (right) up to 21 times. 

Exercise 2: Lifting legs and head

  • Starting position: lie on your back with your arms by your side.

  • Movement: lift your head so that your chin touches your chest, at the same time lift your straight legs vertically. Then slowly lower back down.

Exercise 3: Bending backwards and forwards

  • Starting position: kneeling with hands on the back of the thighs.

  • Movement: bend your head and neck forward, then bend backwards, placing your hands on your thighs for support.

Exercise 4: Bridge

  • Starting position: sit with legs extended and arms by your side.

  • Movement: lift the body into a bridge shape, keeping the arms and legs straight. The head should be facing backwards.

Exercise 5: Downward and upward facing canopy

  • Starting position: start in plank position.

  • Movement: move to the downward facing canopy position, then return to the upward facing inverted canopy position. 


Tips for implementation

  • Start gradually: start with a few repetitions of each exercise and gradually increase. If you can't do 21 repetitions, adjust to as many repetitions as you are comfortable with and gradually increase to 21 repetitions.

  • Breathing: focus on deep, even breathing during the exercises.

  • Listen to your body: if you feel pain or discomfort, stop the exercises and consult a professional.

Regular practice of these exercises can help improve your vitality, fitness and mental health. Incorporate them into your daily routine and see positive changes in your life.