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All copyrights are owned by Dr Tina Prodnik and Vibrant Longevity d.o.o.

Reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, AI system or transmission of any part of these materials in any form or by any means - whether electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise - is prohibited without the prior written permission of the authors. All content and materials in this course are intended for your personal use and effective implementation of LifeUP only.

We kindly ask you not to give away or share or publish or use on the website or in newsletters or sell these materials, passwords or use them for any commercial purposes without the permission of the authors. 

We are grateful for your appreciation of the effort, authorship and work that has gone into the preparation of these materials, which are intended solely for your effective implementation of the LifeUp programme.

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The first edition of the course was published on 12.5.2023 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Author Dr. Tina Prodnik and Vibrant Longevity d.o.o.

The techniques and tips described in this book represent the opinions of the authors based on their training and experience. The authors expressly disclaim any liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise, which may be alleged to have arisen from the use of any of the techniques, recipes or recommendations suggested in this programme.

No responsibility for the consequences of the use of any of the suggestions or procedures described below shall be accepted by the authors, the company, or the distributors of these materials. These materials are not a substitute for medical or health advice. If you are in any doubt, acute situation, pain, or if you need medical advice, please contact your personal physician. We recommend that you consult your personal doctor before making any major dietary or lifestyle changes.